Saturday, November 9, 2013

Long Exposures

This project was by far my favorite project. I really liked how my photo came out. Well long exposures is just a photo where you keep the shutter open for an extended time to catch the lights of your object moving. My first instinct was to shoot cars, they move at a fast speed and will be easiest to shoot. I didn't want to shoot in a place that had a lot of light in the background so I decided to shoot the freeway entrance on Lincon. I stood right in front of The Toyota Of Escondido sign so all that light would be behind me. I then adjusted my settings on the camera, I used a shutter speed of 3 seconds and an F-stop of F10. I set up the camera using a tripod because i did not want the picture to be blurry. As the light would turn green and cars began to go I would just press the shutter button and let the camera do the rest. I used Adobe Photoshop to reflect the lights onto the bottom. I didn't really have to do any editing to this picture since it looked nice anyways.   

Monday, November 4, 2013

POP Art.!

Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States.Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture. Andy Warhol was the one who pretty much started pop art. His most famous piece of pop art would be the one he did on Marilyn Monroe. This project was one of the hardest ones I learned to do this year. We started off by having our pictures taken showing different sides to us. I chose Esteban Marin to shoot mine because we are close and it would be easy to act silly around him. I then proceeded to open each image individually in Adobe Photoshop. With each photo I had to clean the background which I did using the wand tool. Afterwards I started editing the tone,contrast, and different color levels. I struggled a lot with the colors and getting the back ground to be a different color than me but after all my hard work this is my final picture!(:

Thursday, October 31, 2013


HDR stands for high dynamic range. I wanted to take a picture of a place that has many colors that will stand out. I thought this painting in the gym would be perfect because it shows all our schools color and our school mascot. I first had to set up my tripod at an angle that would capture all of Grumpy. I shot multiple picture. I re-arranged my setting after each shot. I started off using -1 then +1, -2 and +2, -3 and +3, and so on. The lights in the gym kept creating a glare against the wall and it was very hard to not capture it. I then took the pictures I liked and opened them up in Adobe Photoshop. Ms.Young gave us very simple instructions on how to merge the pictures,<file>,<automate>,and lastly <Merge to HDR Pro>.  This is my final image.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Panoramics At Dixon Lake

Our project for this week was to shoot panoramics. I wanted to see if we could get some done on campus but we didn't have much time. Anthony suggested we go to Dixon lake to get some good nature ones. Anthony and Esteban shot their pictures first while I carefully observed. When they went fishing I borrowed Anthony's camera and decieded to give panoramics a try. I was trying to imitate what Esteban and Anthony had been doing when they took their shots. It took me awhile but I finally got the hang of it and ended up taking multiple shots of many different scenes. We saved them onto Anthony's flashdrive and edited them in class on Tuesday. Editing was difficult but with the packet Ms.Young gave us it showed us step by step how to combine our picture into one. This was the final shot I came up with.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mutiplicity Shot

Our project was to shoot A person in multiple places and combine them into one photo so it looks like that person has clones. We were walking around campus when we saw the people setting up for the ABC Launch party. Anthony had came up with the idea to shoot on the obstacle course so I went to ask permission if we could use it and the guy said yes. I decided to shoot Esteban going up the ladder on the obstacle course. When we went into Adobe Photoshop to edit our pictures we had to work in each layer individually which took a long time. After about roughly 30 minutes of editing I had finished my final photo and I think it looks pretty well.! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hello and welcome to my blog!(:
My name is Bianca Alfaro and I am 17 years old. I am currently attending Orange Glen High School as a senior. I would describe myself as an outgoing girl who is always smiling and willing to help others. I enjoy reading,playing sports,hanging out with my friends, and anything that sounds like fun. My goal is to become a Psychologist to help kids who are growing or grew up in a troubled home. I have always been interested in photography and I am glad I took the class to gain more knowledge. I believe that photography is a great way to express yourself and show off your creative side. So why not give photography a try! Who knows! Maybe you'll end up loving it and want to pursue a career in it!(: