Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Panoramics At Dixon Lake

Our project for this week was to shoot panoramics. I wanted to see if we could get some done on campus but we didn't have much time. Anthony suggested we go to Dixon lake to get some good nature ones. Anthony and Esteban shot their pictures first while I carefully observed. When they went fishing I borrowed Anthony's camera and decieded to give panoramics a try. I was trying to imitate what Esteban and Anthony had been doing when they took their shots. It took me awhile but I finally got the hang of it and ended up taking multiple shots of many different scenes. We saved them onto Anthony's flashdrive and edited them in class on Tuesday. Editing was difficult but with the packet Ms.Young gave us it showed us step by step how to combine our picture into one. This was the final shot I came up with.  

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